Dance for Louise
Saturday, 13 June
Macedonian Cultural Centre
71 Grindleford Dr, Balcatta
...don't get lost! sms "Balcatta" to 0407 825 483 to receive an auto-reply sms with step by step instructions to find the venue
Flashback (Rock'n Roll)
7:15 p.m. New Vogue Refresher
8:00 p.m. band starts
ALL tickets $20
Get in early for the table you want.
This Saturday, 13 June we will be holding a dance for Louise. The band Flashback has agreed to do the gig at cost, the venue has agreed to give us the venue for the night at no cost and in fact will be making a donation to Louise as well.
We will not be offering a social club membership discount for this dance. ALL tickets will be $20 …even I & all of my staff will be paying $20 for the privilege of working this night. Essentially at the end of the night we should be able to multiply the number of heads by $20 and be guaranteed to have collected at least that amount.
It has been suggested that the entry cost be “$20 plus” not $20. That’s a great idea but let’s leave that totally up to the individual. We are going to keep it at $20 entry. Pay more if you like.
People have raised concerns that there are other dances in Perth on that night, that there is a football game on that night. There are bound to be lots of functions on that night in Perth. There will always be another dance on on any night we choose! We are not about to judge you by where you go this Saturday. YOU need to go where YOUR heart says to go, but one day I would love to be able to show Louise or her parents the photos of the night and just how many people turned out for her.
We will have a blank hard cover book to pass around on the night so you can write a note for Louise, write a memoir, or a short story of one of your experiences or conversations with Louise. Whatever you want.
I'll be paying tribute to Louise on the night, sharing some things, conversations and peculiarities that you might otherwise not have known. Hopefully those of you who don't know Louise or never got to know her very well, will get to know more about her and see why there has been such an outpouring of support.
This is the only night the venue and band were both available for this fundraiser, I did not want it to be on one of the JDK dance nights as I wanted it to be seen as 100% for Louise.
No politics, no personalities, no grudges, nothing but just people supporting Louise. It has been suggested that maybe we could just have the tribute dance on a regular JDK night, I need everyone to understand that unlike most dance teachers in Perth, I do not have a day job, I am one of the few who have committed to dance classes full time, if I abandon my only income, I would not have been able to drop everything and go to Thailand as I did to support Louise & her parents in their time of need or continue to do so. Even bands these days are running their own dances, are doing it for pocket money, just the same as many dance teachers (they have day jobs) and that's fine. But THIS dance is 100% for Louise, not JDK, not you, not for the venue, not the band or anyone else! …again 100% for Louise!
Please bring your non-dancing friends, your dancing friends, your neighbours, your family, your cat, EVERYONE YOU CAN. This venue is licensed to hold 800 people, I would love it if the Macedonian Cultural Centre were concerned on the night about going over capacity. We really want to see an out-pouring of support for Louise not just “x” multiplied by $20 …I know first hand, if ever there is one person who would put herself out for someone, it was Louise. Please put yourself out for her.
I am pleased to say, Kelly, Dean and Celeste (maybe Celeste's husband, Todd too). We know how quickly word can spread in Perth, so please get to it and spread the word. Every time we send an email out the report fed back from the send tells us that strangely 50% of people who've subscribed to our mailing list never open their email, please share this email with everyone you can.
If you have never been to a dance or never been to a JDK dance, this might just be the time to go.
Some people have never been to a dance, because they don't want to go on their own, well that’s simple, talk to people in the classes and ask someone to meet you there or even ask someone to pick you up and car pool. Car pooling on the night is actually a very good idea. As much as there is just as many parking bays at the rear of the building as there is at the front of the building (as long as no one blocks the way) as we do anticipate parking on the night will be tight.
The old social club committee (who all knew Louise very well), have indicated that they’d like to be involved, to provide as much scope as possible for fund raising, including a few fund raising games on the night. Some committee members have suggested, that everyone of you are likely have an unwanted gift in a cupboard somewhere, something that you will never use but would be useful to someone else. Please bring these items along to classes so they can be used for raffles on the night, if you can’t make it to classes, then just bring the item/s on along on Saturday night wrapped in cellophane and include a note with a description of the item. We will raffle it.
Macedonian Cultural Centre
71 Grindleford Drive, Balcatta
(this venue can only be accessed via the Beryl Street end of Grindleford Drive, so please don't get lost …sms "Balcatta" to 0407 825 483 for step by step instructions to the venue. Remember to share this with your friends/family so they actually get there.
I do you have one good piece of news to offer. Louise arrived back in Perth 11:30 p.m. Sunday night on a Medi-Vac flight. I spoke to the hospital upon her arrival and they told me that she was fully sedated and stable but still critical, they were about to do a CT scan. We are still waiting for a full update and an MRI scan so please do not request further information because if it was available I would have already given it.
I look forward to seeing everyone this Saturday night and thank you for your support so far.